Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb 25th

Today I had to take Kayla back to cardiologist, she had a stitch that was coming through the skin. They stitched her up on the inside, but on the outside they used that dermabond stuff, its kinda like super glue. He said she is looking great, so that was great news. He took her off the prevacid, and the Motrin, so now she will only take the Lasix once a day. I know she is happy about that because she HATES taking medicine, she thinks it is suppose to taste good, I tried to explain to her that no medicine taste good, but she don't quiet grasp that concept. That incision where the drain tube was is still open quiet a bit, and he is still concerned about it getting infected, so I am not sure if he wants her to go back to school on Monday or what. I completely forgot to ask him also, so I guess in the morning I will call and ask. I am so scared to send her back, I wish I didn't have to at all, but her teachers are great and I am sure they will keep a good eye on her. I know she is ready to go back, she is so bored here at the house. We finally went back to church last, she wore her little mask, and did great, so I am sure she will do the same at school, I am just so worried. I'll write more tomorrow after I talk to the Dr.. Goodnight All & God Bless!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb 22nd

Kayla is still doing great, she is starting to walk a little more straight. She is so ready to go back to school, and I am so scared about that as well. I guess as a mother I just live in fear. She is all caught up on school work, so I don't see what the rush is, but I guess she misses her friends and teachers. The cut and drain tube incision are healing great, Kayla says they just look like a scratch she got if she fell down, so that's great maybe she won't be self conscious about it. I kinda worry about that too, The Dr's said as she grows this will get smaller and she should be able to wear V neck shirts without it being seen, so that's good. Well I will go for now and hope you all have a great day!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Feb 18th

Today Kayla woke up almost back to normal, she is still walking slouched over but that is just from the soreness. She didn't throw up all night or any today, and she is still drinking and eating so thats good, we have to go see the Dr. again on March 5th, unless she happens to get worse. She can go back to school on the 1st, which is going to be so scary for all of us. I live in constant fear right now of something happening. I wish this was easier on all of us. I think all of the constant worrying, and exhausted caught up with me today, I got up from the kitchen table, and instantly knew I was real sick. I got to the recliner and passed out, luckily my niece was here to help me, she said it scared her, but she knew I was ok. After that I ate some girl scout cookies, and drank some milk and felt alot better. So now I am going to bed, and she is going to stay here and help me. Goodnight & God Bless!

Feb 17th

Today was very hectic, Kayla woke up throwing up, and about noon it got to where it was non-stop, so I called the cardiologist here, and he said to bring her in. We got there and he did an EKG, and Echo, and said everything looks great with her heart, but he thinks she has a stomach bug, and she is dehydrated, so we sat in his office taking one sip of Gatorade every 5 mins, we did this 2 hours, and he said he would let her go home as long as she continued to do this. If she continued to throw up, in the morning he would admit her to the hospital here. She threw up a few more times this evening, but took a 4 hour nap, and when she got up seemed to be feeling alot better. Hopefully its gone.

Tuesay- Feb 16th

This morning we took Kayla for a follow up appointment, they said everything looks great. The took the 3 stiches out of the drain tube incision, and took an x-ray, said the enlargement is already going down. So thats good. They did some labs and said she is low on iron, because she did not have a blood transfusion, this is normal, she will just take a vitamin with iron for the next 6 months, we are headed home and can't wait to see the boys, should be there about 7pm.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Just resting

Today we haven't did much, just hang out in the room and watch tv, Kayla is doing great, she is working on some homework, and eating, and up trying to clean up the hotel room, she says we put stuff in the wrong place, like the soap isn't suppose to sit on the sink its suppose to sit in the soap dish. She is so funny. Talked to my sister today, she said the boys are still doing good, and they are so ready for us to be home. I am too, I miss them so much, I have never been away from them for this long, and hope I never have to again. We have to be a the hospital at 10:30am for the follow up visit then we will be headed home. FINALLY!! I am so grateful that this is all over with. We will still have a follow up visit with her cardiologist in Odessa on the 25th, but I am sure she will continue to do great. She will be outta school about 3 more weeks, and will not be able to participate in p.e., or any other activities for 6 wks. Right now they do not want her around anyone really, especially large crowds. And if she is she has to wear a mask to avoid germs. Otherwise she is back to normal. Thanks again for all the prayers, calls, and txt's, We couldn't have got through this so easy without such a great support system, and the love of family and friends.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

YAY!! We are out!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!! Ours is great--They came in and let Kayla go home today, I was so anxious to go home and see my boys, but they told us we have to be here Tuesday for a follow-up appointment. So I guess we are stuck here a few more days. On the bright side she is doing great, she didn't even need a wheelchair to leave the hospital, she walked. I thank God all this is over with, I can finally breath again. She is happy to be outta the hospital we no longer got to the room and she was asleep in the bed, poor baby needs some rest. So now we are watching NASCAR with my parents, and my Aunt Shirley, here at the hotel. Go Earnhart!!! This morning, my parents and aunt were here at the hotel and went downstairs to eat breakfast, and someone stole my Aunt Shirley's purse while they were down there, she had all her money, credit cards, and keys, everything really in it. I have searched all trash the trash cans for it and it still hasen't showed in any so I almost certain it won't. Poor lady, I feel so sorry for her, I wish people had a little morals these days. It makes me sick to think someone would do that to a 74 yr. old lady. What gets me is; since when does Hilton Hotels not have security cameras? That is absurd. So when you say your prayers please include my Aunt in them. Thank you all!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Still doing great!

Today went by great, she was up walking most of the day, and got through the day pretty much pain free! YAY!!!! So I am almost certain they will go ahead and release her tomorrow sometime. I can't believe how quick she is recovering, God is great. All the prayers have certainly worked, and I thank you all so very much. She still has a little road ahead of her, but I am sure she will pull through that like a champ. She will be on heart medicine for the next 6 months, that is mostly to keep fluid from collecting around the heart. She got alot of balloons, stuffed animals and flowers today and that just thrilled her. Well she is sleeping sound right now, and has no meds or anything else scheduled for tonight, or early morning so I think I'm going to finally get some sleep tonight. Can't wait to get home and see the boys!! Goodnight & God Bless!!

Day 3

Kayla had a bad night, her blood pressure dropped several times during the night, but earlier yesterday she had an allergic reaction to some medicine, and they had to give her a large dose of benadryl, so they think that is what caused her blood pressure to drop so low, at one point it was 72/28, and that is when all the doctors rushed in, but they got her fixed up fairly quickly, and she finally got some much needed rest. This morning at 5, they came in to take her downstairs, and she just climbed outta bed with no help what so ever. She is doing GREAT today, she walks at her regular speed and isn't having much pain either, which is wonderful. She ate a full breakfast finally, she gets to order her own breakfast, today it was frosted flakes, watermelon, and a biscuit, weird combination, but she liked it. The surgeon team and cardiac team came by about 11 to look at her, and said she was doing great. They think she might get to go home tomorrow. I am so excited, I am extremely happy for her, but I am missing my boys so much. They are missing us, and Kayla as well. Kayla talked to Mitch last night on the phone, and cried cause she misses him. I hope today continues to run as smooth as this morning, I will update later this evening.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day after Surgery

and Kayla is doing ok. Sorry there wasn't an update till now, we have been in ICU with her and there are no phones or computers allowed in there. They came in about 10am, and took her off all the machines they had her hooked up to, she has an IV in each hand still but those are to give her pain meds through, They still have the heart monitor hooked up but alot better than all that other stuff too. She is very very sore but she has got up several times to use the restroom and even took a short walk down the hall. About an hour ago her blood pressure dropped way to low so they are kinda concerned about that, so they are watching her more closely. Right now it is back up to normal so thats good, but still has me scared to death. She is sleeping right now, so I think I'll read a little and try to get some rest. They are suppose to come in and get her at 5am for an echo cardiogram and x-ray and her doctors are suppose to be there about 7am, so just as soon as I hear something I will be updating. PLEASE keep her in your prayers, we still ain't outta the woods yet, but hopefully soon! Goodnight & God Bless!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


We finally got to go back and see her, she was pitiful. She was fighting that respirator, and coughing and gagging from it, she opened her eyes and they asked her if she wanted it out, and she nodded her head yes. So they took it out with me and Ric in there, it was so sad, but at the same time she seemed relieved. She told me she was sore, and went back to sleep. Hopefully she will get some rest today, so she will feel a little better tomorrow, me and Ric will stay up here with her tonight. I will keep updating as she progresses. Thanks everyone for the prayers.

Kayla has a whole heart!!

Thank you God!!! The surgeon just came out and talked to us, she said Kayla did great! She repaired the hole, and her heart is beating normal. They are going to see about taking her off the respirator, before they bring her out of surgery. Just wanted to say thank you all for the prayers, and I love ya'll. Will update asap!
They just called out here to the waiting room to let us know everything is going ok, they have her on the heart lung bypass machine, and just stopped her heart so they can start the repair process, they are calling hourly, so in bout 30 more minutes we should know something. PLEASE keep praying!

Off we go..

We arrived at 7am this morning to do the admit procedure, then they started prepping her, then abot 8am Dr. Gulerserian the heart surgeon came in and talked to us, then they wheeled her off, she was in great spirits, and her new bear "Dallas" got to go to surgery too, they put a mask on her bear also, she will do great I have alot of faith in this doctor and my Lord above. So please keep praying and I'll be updating asap.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The bad news

Well we went to the hospital this morning only to find out that an emergency came up, and we got pushed off till noon, well finally at 3:15 they came and got her for surgery, and fifteen minutes later I seen him walking down the hall toward us, and I knew what was to come. He said there is no way possible he could fix this hole because the hole was almost the size of the right side of the heart and there is not enough tissue around it for the device to connect to. So they let her recover for bout 2 hours and then sent her back home with us, to the hotel. She still has her iv in so they don't have to do that tomorrow, she is so exhausted right now, chances are she will sleep all night. I hope she gets up long enough to eat she hasn't eaten since last night and after midnight she can't eat any more, poor baby was starving before they took her in, she was wanted Taco Cabana, so I went and got her some, and now poor thing can't even stay awake long enough to eat. So I guess I will let her sleep, this is going to be so hard for all of us. But God will take care of my baby, I know this! We have to be there at 7am, and the surgery will start at 8:15, its suppose to be about a 5 hr surgery, so please pray for her!!! I will update tomorrow as I know things,

Today's the day

We got to the hospital this morning only to find out that an emergency has came up, so we are pushed back till they take care of this. They should start about noon now, so as things progress I'll be writing more. Kayla is doing great, not the least bit scared. So that is great, please say a prayer for her please. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Free Day

Today was a free day we didn't have any appt's. This morning we got up an had breakfast here at the hotel, they had the works now, eggs, bacon, french toast, biscuits, gravy, cereal, fruit, bagels, and the list goes on. Needless to say we got stuffed, came back to the room and took a nap. Then when we got up we did today's school work then went to the mall to the build-a-bear workshop, that is the cutest place although not easy on the pocket book. I say honestly say our new friend named Dallas, was the most expensive teddy bear I have ever seen much less bought. But Kayla loves him and that is all that matters. Then we came back to the room and had chicken cordon bleu for dinner with my parents. Watched a little tv, now Kayla's other grandparents and her big brother Ricky showed up about 9pm, visited a little now everyone is asleep but me. I doubt if I will sleep at all tonight, this is so scary. I am so proud of how strong Kayla is I wish I had half the courage as she does. Anyhow, I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Please pray, pray, pray for us! Thanks!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Office Visit.

Today we had a late breakfast at Denny's, then came back to the room and did some school work, then we went over to the hospital for the pre-op stuff, they took a chest x-ray, and EKG, then we got to meet the cath cardiologist, he explained over basically what we already knew. He said on Wednesday he will do that TEE in the cath lab, and they put her to sleep the put this scope that goes down her throat to take a picture from the back side of the heart, it takes a in detail picture that he can look at to determine the exact size, location, and how close to a valve the hole is located then he will decide if he can close it in the cath lab, in a procedure that they go through the artery in her leg and put in a device that way to close it,and she will just have to spend the night and get to go home Thursday; if not he will just let her go, and we will meet with the surgeon and return on Thursday for the surgery. I am so hopeful that this can be done in the cath lab, and she doesn't have to go through the surgery but I am scared to get my hopes up. She will be ok either way, she's strong and has God on her side so I will just leave it in hands.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

We have arrived!

Today came so fast I can't believe the time is already here. This morning Kayla & Ric got baptised at church, it was great, I am so proud of the both of them. After church we left, we got here about 5 and got my parents checked into their room, now we just made it to our room, its a real nice nice place, actually I was surprised we always end up with crappy hotels, we are staying at the Hilton Homewood Suites. Its about 1/2 mile from the hospital. Kayla is still doing great, doesn't seem the least bit worried at all. I'm missing my boys already, I can't imagine having to be away from them so long, that hurts in itself, but I explained to them what was going on and that we had to get sisters heart fixed, and they are ok with that, and told me they would be just fine. They are at my sisters and she will take great care of them so that is one less worry for me, but I still miss them. Well gonna relax a little and watch the Super Bowl--GO SAINTS!!!, then when that is over we are going to go search down a Taco Cabana. I'll be updating more tomorrow-- we go meet the Dr. at 2. Please keep my baby in your prayers!!